
Latest open positions

Meet your colleagues

At Etteplan you will be working with over 4000 of the smartest technology specialists in 8 different countries, 3 different continents. Meet some of your colleagues!

Milja Booij Liewers
“I am proud to work for this global company that has a focus on growth, professional expertise, and quality. Never a dull moment!"
Milja Booij Liewers
Senior Technical Information Specialist
Monika Smektalska
"I wanted to go further into accountancy and finance. I told my manager this, and it happened."
Monika Smektalska
Finance Assistant
Lars career story
“It’s an interesting area of expertise where you can do a lot of good for others, I actually make a difference”.
Lars Sköld
Senior Documentation Manager
Hannes Olsson highlight
“I think it’s inspiring that our customer chose to build a whole machine themselves. I’ve learned so much and I really like to see companies who dare to make these kinds of investments.”
Hannes Olsson
Mechanical Engineer
Michael Born
The people here are not just colleagues who have to work together, but actively want to.
Michael Born
Group Manager
Bolette Møller
"Embracing these opportunities enables me to broaden my capabilities and expand my professional knowledge, fostering a sense of personal and career oriented development that I appreciate."
Bolette Møller
Consultant Delivery Manager
Etteplan Stories

For Etteplan, our employees are our most important asset. Committed, talented and happy employees are a precondition for creating value for our customers. Engineering with a difference is not only a promise to our customers but also to our people. We want to promote culture that enables innovation and turning new ideas into value-adding solutions.

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