Bolette Møller Growth with embracing change

Bolette Møller: Growth with embracing change

Bolette Møller started working at Etteplan in the second half of 2022, as a Consultant Delivery Manager in the Herlev office, Denmark. Bolette’s primary role is to connect the leads from sales to the right teams both internal at Etteplan, but also via external sourcing and recruiting. As her role quickly grew in responsibility and challenge, Bolette has eagerly taken on more. Changes in the Danish organization with a new Managing Director have sparked new opportunities. Bolette works closely with Flemming, her colleague in the Danish Odense office, helping the organization and one another grow.

One of the intriguing aspects of Bolette's role is the ongoing journey, including her daily tasks, interactions with her team, and the dynamics of their collaborative efforts. She appreciates the freedom to question established norms and explore her curiosities, recognizing the inherent value in doing so. Bolette actively seeks out opportunities to contribute to the development of new work methodologies and innovative approaches. Her enthusiasm for pushing boundaries and embracing change, fuels her motivation to continuously improve and refine their ways of working. By embracing a mindset of curiosity and a willingness to challenge the status quo, Bolette not only fosters personal growth but also plays a vital role in shaping and evolving their collective work environment. 

“I always question the way things are done. Sometimes the answer is: “Because we have always been doing it this way” – and for me that is an opening to try and do things in a new way. Would it be better, more fun or make more sense and bring more value, if we tried something else? “

In Bolette’s opinion there is an opportunity to gain experience in any direction – you can take the lead in your career. The feeling of progress and personal growth is fulfilling, and seeing tangible results of efforts is great. She can definitely see herself working with Etteplan for many years, based on her journey until now, and the things that have been lined up for her. 
“I really like the role that I was initially hired for, but I also enjoy the additional tasks assigned to me. These additional assignments present unique challenges, that push me to grow and acquire skills that might otherwise remain untapped."

"Embracing these opportunities enables me to broaden my capabilities and expand my professional knowledge, fostering a sense of personal and career oriented development that I appreciate."

The focus on evolving willing and able employees from within the company instead of always hiring externally is very honorable, and in Bolette’s opinion it is one of the things that differentiates Etteplan from other work places. There is action behind the words.

As a mother and wife, it can be challenging to find the time and energy to balance responsibilities and personal interests. However, taking time for oneself is important for maintaining mental and emotional wellbeing. Bolette has a wide spectrum of interests, ranging from going out with friends for dinner and drinks, to outdoor activities, playing Fortnite, roller skating, a good old hike with the family in the forest or even winter bathing.