Battery Testing

Battery Testing

We provide performance and safety testing of your Li-ion battery in the required operating environment and for the intended use of the battery. Our battery technology experts will guide and support you throughout the testing process.

Key Benefits
Guidance and support – what needs to be tested and how
Gain an understanding of the performance and effectiveness of your battery
Safety testing – mitigated liability risk for your device

Test the performance and safety of your battery

Whether it’s a handheld IoT device or a large work machine, the battery of your device needs to meet the performance standards and safety requirements of its intended operating environment and purpose. With the right facilities, expertise and understanding, we can offer performance and safety testing of your Li-ion batteries. Our testing capabilities allow us to test your battery from hand-held devices to bigger battery packs.

We test the performance of your device's battery in the proper environment and for its intended use. Safety is also an important aspect of the testing process since it translates to mitigated reliability risk for your device. Our approach to testing is always to guide and support you with testing, but also with the ramification of the test results. Our expertise enables cost-effective battery testing, meaning we know what the most important things to test are and how to test them effectively.

Our Validation Process

1. Testing needs – Identifying the operating environment and intended use cases, so that the battery’s features can be validated in the proper conditions. Different battery requirements can lead to different test plans, processes and conclusions.

2. Test method – The tests must be designed correctly to obtain the right kind of information and to avoid over- or under-testing.

3. Testing – Doing tests with high quality equipment leads to high quality and repeatable test results.

4. Interpretation of test results – Making the correct conclusions from the test results based on in-depth understanding and experience with batteries.

Etteplan test laboratory and its experts will guide you through the entire testing process. We will help you with requirement specification and test planning, the actual battery testing, interpreting the results, and lastly consult you through the next steps. If necessary, our battery technology experts can support you with de-bugging and design.

Don’t hesitate to contact us about your battery testing needs!

Timo Kallinen

Timo Kallinen

Director Testing and Product Verification
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