Etteplan data and analytics solutions

Data and Analytics Solutions

The development of digitalization has seen the amount of data grow rapidly. Various systems and platforms are a part of both consumers’ and businesses’ daily life, providing vast volumes of data. It is known that the amount of data by itself is not the key to happiness. Data only provides a significant benefit when it is used properly and effectively. The right data and analytics solutions can produce real business benefits and competitive advantages. The sectors and companies that predict trends and adapt their operations to a changing world are successful. 

Key Benefits
Enhance decision making and design with the right knowledge
Reduce manual work, time loss and costs, such as with predictive functions
Use and share reliable, transparent and up-to-date information
Find and research new business models, services and innovations

Data management and analytics: a competitive edge 

We offer our customers comprehensive digital solutions in the Data Management, Analytics and Business Intelligence areas. 
We help our customers successfully design and implement solutions that enable various integrations, data management, processing and refinement into knowledge. In addition, we enable methods that customers can use to gain production-supporting insight that takes advantage of analytics, visualizations and reporting tools.  

Release the value of data with data-driven solutions

We help our customers design and implement data and analytics solutions to achieve real business benefits by converting their business data into clear information. Our solutions allow customers to use data efficiently in decision-making, monitoring, development of operations and planning for the future. We offer best-practice methods for the design and delivery of solutions to help you with data-driven decision-making.

Our comprehensive expertise in data and analytics projects 

We want to be clear about our customers’ needs and ensure that our solutions suit their needs and operating environment. To make the start of the process easier, we offer a data-driven, agile starting model (Proof of Concept, PoC) in which we design and deliver a cost-effective and fast project to verify the applicability of the solutions. A PoC project allows us to identify significant challenges for further data-driven development and success factors from the perspective of data, data sources and analytics methods. We have the necessary expertise to design and implement entire data platforms: this includes data collection (integrations), data storage and management, and best-practice exploitation methods (Business Intelligence, Visualizations, Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence). 

Kari Jussila Ettplan MORE

Kari Jussila

Director, Service Solutions
+358 50 366 7179
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