
Etteplan PARTS service helps optimize your service and spare parts business

Etteplan PARTS

Etteplan PARTS service helps your field service engineers and spare parts sales do their jobs efficiently. Accurate spare parts information can be found easily in online or printed catalogs. Spare parts can be ordered directly from an online catalog which minimizes erroneous orders and speeds up the order-to-delivery process.

Etteplan delivered Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB a spare parts catalog in PDF format as well as the HyperPARTS Viewer software application to drill-down to detailed product information. These enabled the end-customer a quick and easy access to the relevant spare parts information shortening the machine down-time in case of a defect product or component.
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Key Benefits
Increased sales due to better availability of spare parts
Improved accuracy in ordering spare parts
Higher customer satisfaction due to shorter lead times in customer service
High productivity due to correct spare parts
Shorter downtimes of machinery or equipment

Optimize your service and aftermarket business

Etteplan PARTS helps your field service engineers and spare parts sales do their jobs efficiently. With our Etteplan PARTS service your spare parts information is kept accurate and is found easily in online or printed catalogs. Our visual designers make use of exploded views on your products for online catalogs with special functionality.

From exploded view any part can be chosen for a closer look just with one click. Spare parts can be ordered simply with a finger tap directly from the online catalog, which minimizes erroneous orders and speeds up the order-delivery process.

Behind our systematic approach to product models and part catalogs is a standardized method called Simplified Technical Illustrations (STI). Using STI offers even more possibilities to establish an outstanding customer experience for your market. Contact us for more information and tell us about your specific needs and requirements.

Industrial machinery and equipment

Boost your spares and service sales with Etteplan PARTS service


Our service offers significant benefits for your spares sales, service, and maintenance business. There are many ways to process product models and parts data for your business. Contact us and tell about your specific needs!

Etteplan parts iPad


Eric Tengstrand

Eric Tengstrand

Global Service Solutions Director Technical Communication Solutions
+46 70 757 74 40
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