Technical Information

Technical Information

Etteplan helps your company produce and manage all technical information starting from the engineering of your product or plant, right up until its modernization or recycling. Thanks to our services, your technical information is always top quality, up to date, readily available and reusable. Transforming information into insights and impact that enables a future-ready, resilient business as technical information specialists who use the latest technology, we bring cost effectiveness and quality to your company’s technical documentation processes.

Technical information increases your product’s competitiveness

For many companies, technical information is seen as a necessary evil and not as a competitive advantage. More often than not, the challenge for companies lies in resources, since technical product information, such as spare parts books, user and maintenance manuals, are drawn up by design or plant engineers alongside their actual duties.  

The field of technical information has evolved in leaps and bounds along with digitalization. Nowadays, it’s rarely about producing a one-off manual, but instead, companies face the challenge of growing and digitalizing their service and maintenance business with an eye to customers’ changing needs. How can old product or asset information in paper format be converted to serve a new digital solution? How can a company reduce its carbon footprint and increase its cost effectiveness by means of sustainable development?  

The creation of technical information is no longer just about producing texts and illustrations: The development and implementation of intelligent, interlinked solutions is increasingly taking center stage: How can the information be effectively tailored for different target groups, application areas and product variants? 

Learn more 

Our solutions will help your company shorten its time-to-market, save costs and make use of the opportunities offered by digitalization in your technical product information.  

Why not let your company focus on its core competence, because that is where it excels? Leave the technical information to Etteplan, because that is our core competence.  

We are technical information specialists, and we have developed service solutions for companies’ technical  product information, whether the company’s product is a machine, piece of equipment, plant or process. Thanks to our services, your company can focus on its core competence, because it doesn’t make sense to do everything yourself.  

We have good insight into the direction that your company’s technical  information should be taken to ensure that it best supports your business far into the future. 

Enable empower elevate

Enable safe, secure and efficient operations 

This is about creating a solid foundation for how technical information is created and is the best possible way. This is an example of how we implement:  

Implementing and assigning expertise, roles, resources and/or the whole organization needed to handle the technical information in a professional manner. 

Implementing content processes and workflows that clearly define activities, interfaces and responsibilities 

Implementing processes to secure safety, compliance, quality 

Implementing writing rules and terminologies, visual-based instructions 

Implementing a clear set of KPI to drive improvements and transparency

Empower your teams with streamlined digital workflows 

This is about getting the critical technical information out to the people who need it to be able to do their job. We do this by for example:  

Implement content and document structures and topic-based writing to maximize reuse 

Implement secure efficient usage of single source database for technical content and spare parts 

Implement content delivery platforms for multiple content sources and multi-channel and on-demand distribution to any device online or offline.

Implement digital applications for consuming personalized, relevant content. 

Implement feedback and analytics to build a strong foundation for data-driven decision making. 

Elevate your customer experience to future-proof your business 

This is about taking the ways of working to a next level by ensuring the customer can adapt to disruptions in the world thus preparing for changes in the future, and not only getting the right information out to the right people but also at the right time and in the right context through utilizing new technologies. We do this by for example:  

Integrate multiple content sources (CCMS, SPMS, DAM, LMS, PLM, ERP, CRM, Cloud…) and automated triggers for content such as IoT.  

Enrich single source database for technical text and visual content with meta data to maximize user centricity. 

Enriches content with new media (3D, interactive media etc.) 

Integrate digital applications for an elevated personalized experience, relevant content. 

Automate feedback and analytics to build a strong foundation for data-driven decision making. 

Eric Tengstrand

Eric Tengstrand

Global Service Solutions Director Technical Communication Solutions
+46 70 757 74 40
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