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Träffa dina kollegor

På Etteplan kommer du att arbeta med över 3 800 av de smartaste teknikspecialisterna i 8 olika länder på 3 olika kontinenter. Träffa några av dina kollegor!

Lars career story
“It’s an interesting area of expertise where you can do a lot of good for others, I actually make a difference”.
Lars Sköld
Senior Documentation Manager
Monika Smektalska
"I wanted to go further into accountancy and finance. I told my manager this, and it happened."
Monika Smektalska
Finance Assistant
Michael Born
The people here are not just colleagues who have to work together, but actively want to.
Michael Born
Group Manager
Bolette Møller
"Embracing these opportunities enables me to broaden my capabilities and expand my professional knowledge, fostering a sense of personal and career oriented development that I appreciate."
Bolette Møller
Consultant Delivery Manager
Sabine Laerke_Career story highlight
“Communication across teams, business areas, and even countries are so easy, whether it is Finland, Sweden, Denmark or even further – everybody wants to help."
Sabine Lærke
Sales manager
Hannes Olsson highlight
“I think it’s inspiring that our customer chose to build a whole machine themselves. I’ve learned so much and I really like to see companies who dare to make these kinds of investments.”
Hannes Olsson
Mechanical Engineer
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