
Winning Christmas ornament design 2022: Jingle all the way

Download the winning design of Etteplan's 4th annual Christmas ornament design competition and print it for yourself!

This year the competition was sponsored by a Nordic 3D printing service provider AMEXCI. You can download Jingle all the way for printing with the LPBF method.

The special feature of this year's competition was that we were designing for LPBF where so-called productive process parameters were being used.  In this case the layer thickness of the aluminum was 90μm (rather than the standard 30 or 60μm).  The reason for doing this is that you significantly reduce the print time and print costs.  We can see from the winning design that although the surface is slightly more rough than when using smaller layers, we are still able to create detailed structure, for example the small gyroid infill integrated into frame of the part, or the spherical gyroid ball.

For more information on Etteplan’s AM design or training offerings, please contact Tero Hämeenaho at [email protected]

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