
These R&D managers have decreased disturbances and increased innovation

One of the keys to increasing innovation in a team, is to place a leader at the helm who can be seen to actively inspire new ideas. The freedom amongst all to discuss ideas at all stages of their development, and to experiment within and without the working environment is important to fostering innovation.

These days, when you think of innovative and exciting companies, many people will come up with a few now household names: Google and Spotify being among them. By taking a look at the environments their managers promote within their company, we can see the layout for success and ever broader innovations.

Google logo

Google places a high value on the fact that innovation can come from anywhere. For example, a medical doctor amongst their staff argued that there was the moral obligation to alter the search results attached to how to commit suicide. His persuasive arguments lead the change to put toll free phone numbers for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at the top, which lead to a spike of 9% in calls. These changes were soon adopted in numerous other countries, proving Google once again to be a trail blazer of innovation large and small.

Their focus on the user drove their work on predictive analysis, which saves microseconds off your search. Despite concerns that this would shorten ad view times, Google went ahead and implemented the innovation, which resulted in a great user experience, and has helped Google maintain its position as the leading search engine across the world. Not only are they providing the best user experience and seeing the money take care of it as a result, but they are 10 times better than any of their competitors.

Google allows their employees the time and space to innovate both during office hours and outside. Their understanding of the importance to allow time for broader thinking has given them innovations such as driverless cars ad enhanced Google Street View data collection - from a worker who was unable to view the street on which his hotel for his holiday to Spain was situated. He conceived a Google street-view tricycle to overcome the problem of narrow streets and tourist locations that prohibit the entry of autos in the area.



Spotify logo

In the same vein as Google, Spotify understands the artists desire to put their fans first. The drive to produce quality music and serve it up to a user who may be looking for it despite not yet knowing has been a driving force of innovation for Spotify, the leading music streaming service. Their use of listening patterns and the data produced means that they can identify artists superfans, and use this to attract musicians to embrace their services as an avenue of promotion. In the words of Troy Carter who leads Spotifys creator services, we give them what they want.



Climeon logo

A lesser known company, Climeon converts heat into clean electricity around the clock, regardless of weather conditions. By following innovative tech they have developed an unrivaled Climeon Ocean system, which returns investments through a solution that cost-effectively converts waste heat intro electricity. Every organization has unique insights which, if relied on and allowed to flourish can lead to major innovation.


For truly disruptive and innovative technology to be conceived and developed there must be some freedom given to all members of the team. An open work hierarchy encourages an open mind, and fosters innovation from all angles and all team members.


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