

Event - Date: 30.08.2022 - 01.09.2022
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Meet Etteplan Denmark at E-22
Denmark's largest electronics fair

Visit us in the 'Development in Denmark' area and hear how we can help develop your company for the future and create decisive competitive advantages in your market in areas such as IoT, FPGA, embedded, AI/ML, Cloud and cyber security . With 4,000 employees in Denmark, the Nordics and the rest of the world, we have the skills and experience to solve even the most complex development tasks.

Get your free ticket HERE

Also hear Etteplan's expert in software test automation, Jouni Karinen, when he gives a presentation under the topic Improving (Embedded) SW Development by Adequate Test Automation on the first day of the fair (Hall C)

Conference program


We look forward to seeing you at the Odense Congress Center!